Zapier approval workflow automation
Approval requests can now come from any app imaginable using Zapier. Customise your workflow to suit your business. Streamline your approval workflow with just a few clicks.

Connect Approval Donkey & Zapier to automate these requests from your favourite apps like Trello, Evernote, Asana, Gmail and much more...
Approval workflow software

Automate common tasks by creating simple 'Zaps' from your favorite apps
Key Project Decisions
Requirements sign-off
Scope confirmation
Change requests
Stakeholder approvals
Client approvals
Improve Productivity
Collaborative approvals and decision making, add comments, attachments, photos to enhance requests.
Multiple Approvers
Add multiple members to approval groups to get the right people making decisions
Accountability & Transparency
Save time and reduce errors for key business decisions with streamlined workflows
Notifications & Tracking
Automated tracking, notifications and reminders keep you on top of the approval process
Approval Donkey helps manage Stakeholders inside and outside your business.
Streamline and automate your approval, sign-off and decision making processes with a 100% digitally focused solution.
How Zapier works?
Zapier is a web automation app. With Zapier you can build Zaps which can automate parts of your business or life.
A Zap is a blueprint for a task you want to do over and over. In words, a Zap looks like this: "When I get a new thing in A, do this other thing in B." The first part is the Trigger and the second part is the Action.
Zapier supports hundreds of apps. You can mix and match triggers and actions to automate just about anything. An example might be "When I add a specific label to an email in Gmail, create a new approval request in Approval Donkey"
Zaps are very lightweight and very easy to setup. With Zapier, you get as much granularity as you need. You can pick what fields from the trigger service should go to the action service and you can use static text and custom fields too.