Do you use or want to use Wave Accounting Software ( and often need to get approval for invoices you have created in Wave from more than one person? Now with the help of Zapier the tedious work is done for you. Use our Zap template to create a new approval request on Approval Donkey for every draft invoice you create in Wave. That way, stakeholders can quickly approve and you can send the invoice confidently.
How this Wave-Approval Donkey integration works
A new invoice is created in Wave
Zapier creates an approval request on Approval Donkey
Apps involved
via Zapier
Approval Donkey
Steal this Workflow
Login to Approval Donkey and use our Zap Template (enable Zapier integration first)
Go to this Zapier page -
Check out other Zap templates here -
What is Zapier?
Connect the apps you use everyday to automate your work and be more productive. 1000+ apps and easy integrations - get started in minutes.
What is Wave?
Wave is free financial software for small businesses. Track expenses, send invoices, get paid and balance your books with Wave.